Day 4, Monday, Dec. 19, 2005

Day 4, Monday, Dec. 19, 2005
Cycle B

Gospel: Lk. 1: 5-25

" He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, and will bring back many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their, God."

Prayer: Lord, like John the Baptist, now I know you have created me and filled me with the holy Spirit, not to be preoccupied with my own affairs, but rather, that I may know my life's meaning in bringing Jesus to others, nothing more, nothing less."


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Dear Father lito,

    As I pray and reflect on my sins and start opening up my heart to God to let HIS divine love enter my heart,my soul and my whole being I ask Him to guide me and to lead me the way to see HIS presence in others so that I may glorify His NAME in my own little way .Thank you Father for this reflection.Amen.DEAH


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