Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2005

"Let us Celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and let us worship Christ the Lord, her son."

Gospel: Luke 1:26 - 38

"I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done what you have said be done to me."

On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, let us express our thoughts and experiences on Mama Mary's purest love for us.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Hi, Padre... timely ang blog! can u furnish me with the more important details on the Immaculate Conception like the documents it can bwe found...yung mga deytails that you would think necessary for my compre exam... thanks.... luv u!

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    That scene in the Gospel where Mary said Fiat upon angel Gabriel's announcement of her vocation always bring me lessons of FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE aside from example of great OBEDIENCE and DOCILITY to the WILL OF GOD.

    Through the intercession of Our Lady, I was able to get out of a strong crisis in my Catholic Faith.

    It all started with an invitation from a male classmate of mine to pray the holy rosary at 3:00pm in the middle of our exam week in Accounting. During that time I was already experiencing crisis brought about by my imprudent attendance to Protestant Services. I was no longer attending holy mass and I was already questioning the sacrament of the holy eucharist.

    Receiving the invitation to pray the holy rosary and from a male friend for that matter, I find myself very guilty. Still confused, I started to pray to God to show me the way. I beg HIM to show me the right path. I told HIM, I want to follow only HIM but I was so confused. The next thing I know is I am already attending CATHOLIC DOCTRINE CLASSES.
    I went back to the devotion of praying the holy rosary and I started living other norms that helped me love Mary more.

  3. My soul doth magnify the Lord,
    and my spirit hath rejoiced
    in God my Savior.

    Because he hath regarded
    the humility of the handmaid;
    for behold from henceforth
    all generations
    shall call me blessed.

    Because he that is mighty
    hath done great things
    to me; and holy
    is his name.

    And his mercy is
    from generation
    unto generations,
    to them that fear him.

    He hath shewed might
    in his arm;
    he hath scattered the proud
    in the conceit
    of their heart.

    He hath put down
    the mighty from their seat,
    and hath exalted
    the humble.

    He hath filled the hungry
    with good things
    and the rich he hath
    sent empty away.

    He hath received Israel
    his servant,
    being mindful of his mercy.
    As he spoke to our fathers,
    to Abraham
    and to his seed forever.

    Luke 1,46-55

  4. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Hi Fr. Lito,
    I have come across a lot of Catholics who thought that Immaculate Conception is referring to Mary conceiving with a man, rather than Mary being conceived in St Anne's womb without sin.
    Hope this comment will help clear this misconception for those who read your website.


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