Strength in Weakness

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle B

Remember that my life is a breath; my eye will never again see good. (Job 7:1-7)
To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. (1 Cor 9:16-23)
Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out. (Mk 1:29-39)

by Bl. Charles de Foucauld

Father, I entrust myself to you.
Do with me what you want.

Whatever you wish to do with me,
I thank you.

I am ready for everything,
I accept everything.

Provided your will be done in me
and in all your creatures,
I desire nothing else, my God.

I place my soul into your hands,
I give it to you, my God,
with all the love of my heart,

because I love you,
because it is to me a demand of love
to give myself,

to commit myself to you without reserve,
with an unlimited trust,
for you are my Father.
