Our Own Resurrection

2nd Sunday of Easter

Cycle B

April 23, 2006
Gospel: Jn 20, 19 -31

Typically we know Thomas as the “doubting apostle” who was reprimanded by the Lord by saying, “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

But look at the Gospel again and see that Thomas’ attitude is not of doubting but may be of yearning. He yearned to see the Lord, to touch him, and embrace him.

We are the Thomases of today’s modern times feel a sense of longing for something meaningful, something we can touch, feel, see, and embrace. Unfortunately, we look for happiness at the wrong places. We become selfish, grasping for things we thought will give us happiness.

“Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe” is Jesus’ invitation to us. He is near us, around us, within us. He is in our brothers and sisters who long to be loved in a real way. He is in the poor who long to be helped by those who can.

Never doubt then, believe. Believe is a real way.
