The Family is Under Attack

27th Sunday in ordinary time
Cycle B
Gospel: Mark 10, 2-16

Even without the aid of statistics, I believe that most will agree of a startling fact - that the family is under attack!

That's why a brother priest organized the so called "SAFE" program or "Subtle Attacks against the Family Explained", to empower people about the various aspects from without that threaten the sanctity and unity of the family within.

The gospel reveals Jesus' heart for the sacredness of marital and family life. I believe that the love that exists between husbands and wives and parents and children is the closest way to understand God's eternal love, for "God is love." Any means to belittle this relationship degrades the basic dignity of human persons to mere signatures and other legalities. But in an authentic relationship, love is sealed by God himself, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And his love is most powerful force that makes us created beings breathe life.

With this ever faithful love, we become united with one another and with God, the source of all love.

Pray for the sanctity of relationships. Pray to be rooted in God. Learn to discern how institutions like governments and mass media are contributing to the destruction of family through the passing of divorce laws, abortion, and excessive consumerism. Pray most specially for families that are struggling with all their might to keep the family together.

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Don't forget to share your experiences of family unity and threats to family life. Reply to this article. Thank you!


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I cannot but agree. You may visit SAFE's website at for more info.


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