Feast of Christ the King
Cycle B
Gospel: Jn 18: 33- 37
"My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews."
Two things: that Jesus proclaimed that he is king, and thus, is judged as a traitor; second, that in his kingdom, his subjects would be doing the right thing and defend Jesus with their lives.
Two reflections: Jesus' kingship is one of radicality and not passivity as we know it. We can describe Jesus as "meek and mild", but in actuality, Jesus came to establish a "radical kingship", in sharp contrast with worldly values, one that transforms, converts, and re-creates the present situation. Theologians describe it as a "revolution of love", for with true love, there is a conscious decision to offer one's life. In the paradigm of Jesus' radical kingship, hearts are minds are changed according to his likeness.
Second, we are called to live out this radical kingship by concretely living it our in our lives and encouraging others to do the same. Heaven may be in the afterlife, but it can be very much real right now as we live out God's kingship in the concreteness of our lives - to love and serve Jesus, to live out his teachings, and to defend Him with our own lives.
Just notice the injustices and selfishness outside and realize how far we all are from the kingship of Christ. With this thought, there's so many things to be done for Jesus. Let's activate our Christian identity and join Jesus in establishing his kingship "on earth as it is in heaven."
Photo courtesy of: Roman Catholic Church, Luderitz, Namibia
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