My dear family and friends

Year 2006 has given me so much blessings, I thank God for all He has given me.
First, I was amused with the snow in Milan and the community winter outing at Mentorella.

Then, Holy Week was much rewarding for me as I got to see Lourdes together with the Christian community in Milan. So many people need healing and Mary is there to assist them.
Witnessing Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales' consistory becomes a once-in-lifetime experience for me. I was able to see the Holy Father up close and participated by giving communion together with my fellow priests here in the Collegio.

The grueling finish of the academic year was terrible, but it was worth it. I had to take a quick leave to Austria where Cholo and family accommodated me. Again, I could not imagine myself travelling to places such as this.

Summer was spent assisting at the Parish of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield New Jersey with Fr. Rich Kwiatkowski as parish priest.
I was also able to celebrate the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz with the Multicultural Ministry leading the choir.

And while in the States, I was able to visit my sisters Annie and Eva in Chicago, my classmate Fr. Sammy Alvero and UST High School classmate Eric Sabinano in Florida, and the parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in California.
Of course, I would never leave watching Broadway musicals in New York!

Back at the Collegio this October and now in my second year, I must say that my subject are not as hectic as last year, but they are equally challenging as well. I can’t say I’ve adjusted to the courses or to speaking in Italian, but now, I’m focusing on doing my tesina, hopefully to be of assistance to Philippine Church through mass media evangelization. Here in Collegio Filippino, I’ve been assigned as music coordinator and socials com, and recently, we just celebrated our Christmas party.
Continue to pray for me so I’ll be able to finish this course as scheduled. And meanwhile, let’s pray for each other that our Lord and our Blessed mother will take care of us and our family members, till we see each other again!
Fr. Lito Jopson

Year 2006 has given me so much blessings, I thank God for all He has given me.
First, I was amused with the snow in Milan and the community winter outing at Mentorella.

Then, Holy Week was much rewarding for me as I got to see Lourdes together with the Christian community in Milan. So many people need healing and Mary is there to assist them.

The grueling finish of the academic year was terrible, but it was worth it. I had to take a quick leave to Austria where Cholo and family accommodated me. Again, I could not imagine myself travelling to places such as this.

Summer was spent assisting at the Parish of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield New Jersey with Fr. Rich Kwiatkowski as parish priest.
I was also able to celebrate the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz with the Multicultural Ministry leading the choir.

And while in the States, I was able to visit my sisters Annie and Eva in Chicago, my classmate Fr. Sammy Alvero and UST High School classmate Eric Sabinano in Florida, and the parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in California.
Of course, I would never leave watching Broadway musicals in New York!

Back at the Collegio this October and now in my second year, I must say that my subject are not as hectic as last year, but they are equally challenging as well. I can’t say I’ve adjusted to the courses or to speaking in Italian, but now, I’m focusing on doing my tesina, hopefully to be of assistance to Philippine Church through mass media evangelization. Here in Collegio Filippino, I’ve been assigned as music coordinator and socials com, and recently, we just celebrated our Christmas party.
Continue to pray for me so I’ll be able to finish this course as scheduled. And meanwhile, let’s pray for each other that our Lord and our Blessed mother will take care of us and our family members, till we see each other again!
Fr. Lito Jopson
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