
4th Sunday of Lent
Cycle C

The Parable of the Prodigal Son gives way to the Parable of the Loving Father.

It is the Father who is the main character here. The son is the antagonist. It's the father who waits for the son. The son squanders everything the father gives him. The father's love is supreme. The son's love is conditional. The father is self-giving, the son is selfish. This is the story of the loving Father.

Grant that we may see that it is not our actions that causes our salvation. All we can do is go to the Father. Like Mary, we can only say "Yes." But it is the Father's entire doing.

This coming Holy Week, we shall again experience the love of the Father through the self-offering of Jesus. Remember, it is totally God's action to save. Accept it by saying "Yes."
