A word of Hope

Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
Gospel: Matt. 11, 2 - 11
Picture courstesy of: Norwest Indiana Catholic Online

Pope Benedict XVI’s new encyclical Spe Salvi is a timely reminder for us especially this Christmas, which is also known as a season of hope.

“Spe Salvi,” in hope we were saved. The Holy Father says, "Hope is the distinguishing mark of Christians, the fact that they have a future; not that they know the details of what awaits them, but they know in general terms that their life will not end in emptiness.”

The Holy Father invites us to get to know our Lord more intimately, and that our hope would lead us to a real encounter with Him.

We have filled ourselves with false hopes. The lure of this world, the attractiveness of its scientific systems and technologies have left us feeling secured that we already possess the key to life.

But even reason is God's gift that we unfortunately turned as our own gods that we have become blind to the the true source of all reasons - God himself.

We need to pray, to listen, to understand, and open our world to Him. Listening entails that we empty ourselves so we can hear the Beloved speak when we are praying. We need to understand that life is limited, that no matter how advanced things seem to be, they could and will never compensate for the things of God. It is when we are weak that God is strong.
Finally our hope in the Lord opens us to the world of others who are hoping as we are that despite the hardships of life, everything will turn out because we believe, because we hope, and because we love.

May the season of Christmas be a season of hope to bring light to our lives brought about by the coming of the Christ Child who is our light and our salvation.
