Love is the key

Solemnity of Christ the King
Cycle A
Gospel reading: Matthew 25 : 31 - 46

Love is the key to salvation. God's love is the one saving us so let's love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls, and beings. The second is let us love one another as a sign that we love the Lord. Love compels us to move out of our comfort zones, the world of our families, and serve the world outside, where many are suffering due to poverty and injustices. Love compels us to use our time, talent and treasure to consider, serve, and assist the ones treated as outcasts by others.

Thus, in this present age when the tendency of man is to acquire, the main guage of success is not material things, prestige, or glory, but the fruitfulness of love given to us by the God of love. By this, we shall be judged accordingly.
