After the Simbang Gabi preparations, the latest being the realization the the world is enveloped by God, we hear the angels rejoicing in heaven, announcing the birth of the King of Kings, wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger.
Jesus chose the path of total helpless in contrast with those who are yearning for power. This is what makes Christmas, when we shed off any desire or quest for power and enter into the world of total service.
Secondly, the angels chose to show themselves to the shepherds and the lowly, a startling contrast with the way political authorities would align themselves with. Here, the poor understood that the time of peace is here, a kind of peace in which they are very much a part of, total and lasting peace that can be brought only by God alone, not like the shallow election promises. If we chose this path of aligning ourselves with the poor, then the reign of God is upon us.
Third, what makes Christmas? When everything has been shed off, what remains is our wounded empty selves needing desperately to be filled up ... let the love of God do that for us, not power, not influence, but love that flows from the Father. Let this love radiate to each and everyone. Let love be our joy and our gift to others.
Merry Christmas!
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