Gospel: John 3:14-21
Picture courtedy of Dr. Paulrose
"For God so loved the world he gave us his only Son ..."
These words are so familiar to us; not only do we recall the lyrics of the World Youth Day theme song, but our non-Catholic brethren are also taking this as their main battle cry. Yes, it is true that God so loved us with an everlasting love and this love was manifested concretely by the Son of God on the cross.
But it is so ironic that our response to love God back is so minimal. We always claim that we are so busy with work and family our only dedication is to go to Sunday mass each week. Not only it is unfair to God; it is also the very reason why we cannot see God's fruitfulness on earth. For we who are supposed to be the instruments of the Lord are the ones limiting His possibilities.
Let us be open and allow God to permeate our being. Let our faith be as alive as ever and see how God is working in the world today. Lastly, as a sign that we accept God's love is to manifest it concretely through the offering of our time, talent, and treasure to do His work on earth.
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