Corpus Christi

Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Cycle B

The Holy Scriptures should give us a clue on the depth of our faith. From the book of Exodus in the first reading, note that the faith is not imposed upon us. Rather, the people of Israel accepted the Covenant voluntarily and without reserve, saying, "We will observe all that the Lord has decreed; we will obey." If our orientation to the faith and going to mass is an obligation, then let this event refute our claims; we are the ones who entered into the Covenant with God. The Covenant is then sealed with the blood of a Lamb as a communion sacrifice.

This is what it means to celebrate every Eucharist - we are entering into a communion with God sealed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ Himself. He is the perfect sacrifice; without him our existence in this world is totally insignificant. But we matter to God; simply because He loves us no end, and simply because He entered into a Covenant by which He would not take it back. Once God loves, he would not take back His love. His love reached its climax in the death and resurrection of our Lord. Now he is the continuing sacrifice for all of us, that we might enjoy that communion with God.

Friends, let us not take that communion lightly. As the bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of the Lord, so too we are transformed in the image and likeness of God. This is the gift of communion - we enter into the story of the greatest and highest communion which is God Himself in Three divine Persons. As we receive the body and blood of the Lord and engage in communion with Him, let us fulfill the Eucharist even after the mass - in our communion with one another, serving one another especially the poor. Only then could we be rightfully called Christians - in our love for one another.
