18th Sunday
Cycle B
The readings for today deal with difficult people in accepting God's interventions. Moses was put on trial by the people. But God still acted on the people's behalf, sending them a rain that turned to manna and birds that flew in the night.
Jesus diagnosed the crowd's wrong notion of his mission. But He still offered himself as the food that will last forever.
Probably more important here is how God deals with us finite beings, not condemning us any further, but giving us more life.
For St. Paul, this is a call to inner conversion and to practice more compassion to others and more dedication to God.
Would our hearts be so far as to continue misunderstanding God's intentions? This life could turn out to be meaningful if we decrease complaints which simply are manifestations of a state of corruption. But there will always be hope. Among the signs of hope are the following:
1. The sun continues to shine and God allows us to witness His blessings everyday. From now on we realize that we cannot bring light to others except through God's light.
2. Children continue to be born in this world, a manifestation from our Lord that life still goes on and the world is still filled with blessings. From now on we recognize that life can only have meaning in God.
3. That there is always time for us to learn from our mistakes, be reconciled with God and live life anew. That this life is a constant struggle to change outlook according to His will.
Let us allow ourselves to be formed by the Lord and let us make his mission on earth our own.
Cycle B
The readings for today deal with difficult people in accepting God's interventions. Moses was put on trial by the people. But God still acted on the people's behalf, sending them a rain that turned to manna and birds that flew in the night.
Jesus diagnosed the crowd's wrong notion of his mission. But He still offered himself as the food that will last forever.
Probably more important here is how God deals with us finite beings, not condemning us any further, but giving us more life.
For St. Paul, this is a call to inner conversion and to practice more compassion to others and more dedication to God.
Would our hearts be so far as to continue misunderstanding God's intentions? This life could turn out to be meaningful if we decrease complaints which simply are manifestations of a state of corruption. But there will always be hope. Among the signs of hope are the following:
1. The sun continues to shine and God allows us to witness His blessings everyday. From now on we realize that we cannot bring light to others except through God's light.
2. Children continue to be born in this world, a manifestation from our Lord that life still goes on and the world is still filled with blessings. From now on we recognize that life can only have meaning in God.
3. That there is always time for us to learn from our mistakes, be reconciled with God and live life anew. That this life is a constant struggle to change outlook according to His will.
Let us allow ourselves to be formed by the Lord and let us make his mission on earth our own.
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