Mama Mary, pray for us

Photo courtesy of Marwin L. Llasos

There has never been any country as dedicated to Mama Mary as the Philippines.

This may be an overstatement, but such is so for millions of Filipinos who place themselves under her loving care. This may also be the most significant time to renew our commitment to the recitation of the most holy Rosary.

The Rosary is our way to Christ through Mary. In the spirit of deep contemplation, we are immersed in the sea of Christ's life and being in his joyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries. Mama Mary caused all that to happen.

Secondly, the repetitive nature of the Rosary enables us to enter more deeply in communion with God. Every Our Father and Hail Mary uttered, recited, should not be meant to distract us away from the purpose of contemplation. Every phrase "I love you" uttered repetitively in thought and word enables us to commune with the beloved and be enveloped by his/her love. Such is our case with God; He pours out all His blessings upon us.

Thirdly, the Rosary opens us to the deepest reality of being Church. It starts off with the vertical relationship with God when we pray the Our Father. The first words of the Hail Mary opens us up to our communion with God who uttered the first words of praise in honor of the Virgin. And the second part of the Hail Mary includes us and our participation in the divine work of salvation, "Pray for us sinners."

Each reality well prayed should lead us closer to one another and with God. Such is the reality of the Filipinos, no matter how it is beset by corruption and calamities. Mama Mary, help the Filipino family. Amen.
