Gospel: Luke 1:57-66
Photo courtesy of the Byzantine Archeparchy
As we near the end of our journey and the beginning of our journey with Christ this Christmas, it is evident that we are being prepared for something nobler and greater, i.e., to become the modern-day messengers of the Lord Jesus to our brothers and sisters. But in way do we become messengers? I will point out an important reality that would mark the essence of becoming messengers: the reality of our vocation.
Vocation is an affirmation of God's presence in our lives. Our vocation is not just to aim to have a high-paying job or a successful career or being able to send our children to private schools. In the world of vocation we acknowledge that this is not our world; nor it is our story. Rather, it is the story of God's tremendous love for us and we are witnesses of this love.
Second, vocation affirms who we are and why we are created in the this world. Who are we? We are transmitters of God's presence in the world - in schools, at work, in businesses and market places, and in our residential communities and parishes. We utilize all of our unique resources and expertise to bring about the kingdom of God here on earth. Unless this so, our lives will remain empty no matter how much we accomplish in this world. By not becoming messengers of the Lord, our lives remain empty and meaningless and our tendency is just to hold on to existing relationships whom we thought would be the source of all our meaning.
Third, vocation is our way to heaven. In the readings the Lord purifies us until we become pleasing offerings to the Father like Jesus. It may also be that we are purified so the Lord can continue working in us. Be holy models for your children and the next generation. Leave the mark of God's holiness behind. By doing God's will here on earth, we shall gain the everlasting happiness in heaven.
This Christmas, commit to living out our own vocation of being sons and daughters of the Lord.
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