The closeness of God

15th Sunday in ordinary time
Cycle C
Gospel:  Luke 10:25-37

There are three instances the God is as close to us as ever.  The first is his Word.   The world revolves because of the power of words.  Every moment we use words.  Grant that our words be God's word.  We don't have the right to use words as we please but rather, to use words to bring life to people.

Second,  God is close to us in Jesus Christ and our relationship with him as the Body of Christ.  Grant that we may give life to this body and not take it for granted.  If we want to animate the Church, we better learn how Christ lived in this world.

Third, God is close to us in the very person next to us.  "Whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters you do it to me."  Do not delay any act of kindness till tomorrow.  It may be too late.  Jesus is passing by each day.  Do not lose the opportunity to give each day; give a portion for others.  That will kill the poverty besetting our nation.


  1. Larraine6:56 PM

    True and very timely. What a beautiful reflection.


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