27th Sunday in ordinary time

Cycle B

God's love and the Church

It is a good thing that while we are celebrating the parish fiesta in honor of Nuestra Señora de Santo Rosario de Pasig, the readings reflect the world of the love of man and woman.

It is for us to realize that the main author of love is not us but God himself because God is love.

Love is communal; there cannot be any self-love.  Love is always outward to others; love is other-centered.  Love first exists outside before it reaches inward.  We learn to love from others - parents, brothers, sisters, and the Church.  Love fills the Church.

Love is faithful.  Love is never temporary.  The depth of love is only tested in time.  the fullness of love is when we reach the end of our days.  In the Church we are called to a faithful love which involves a lifetime commitment to serve our neighbors.  If we have committed ourselves to love, we should be seeing the fruits of this commitment.

Love is always fruitful.  Love begets love just as evil begets evil.  Goodness and life abounds in the world of love.  In the Church we should reap a rich harvest of lives converted to God.

So we say, do not abandon in anyway love.  Learn from our Lady  whose love is to God alone and those whom He loves.  She is ever most faithful.  She is committed to carry us to heaven.  And and love is fruitful.  She produces the sons and daughters of Sto. Rosario de Pasig Parish.
