10th Sunday of the year, C

A matter of life or death

 Luke 7:11-17

It is remarkable that events of the Old Testament have their parallels in the New Testament.  This is to verify that Jesus is indeed the fulfillment of Old Testament as the Messiah, the Son of God.

But the story does not end there.  The Apostles too have their parallel stories after Jesus ascended to heaven.  The miracles of the Apostles give testimony to the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised us.  Indeed, his words "I shall be with you until the end of time" remain true till today.

This is the mark of our Christianity.  We are called to do what Jesus has started.  And if Jesus was able to raise the dead to life, pray that we may also do the same.

The main question is: Do the lives of modern-day Catholics mirror that of Jesus?  Or are they busy with the affairs of this world such that the miracles are no more; instead, they regard their money as their miracles?

Let all Christians aim to reflect Jesus to others.  Let us aim to bring life to others and not death.  We can do so by being modest in everything we say and do, always bearing in mind whether our words and actions give testimony to God or we scandalize others, specially the children.

Second, let us start discerning whether all our words and actions are in conformity with God's plan. Prudence and right judgment are our guides.

Third, let us be aware that we are all called to serve God.  We have a mission to do in this world.  I would attest to the reality of vocation as a sure sign that we are giving life to others because the life that we project is simply a response to God's call for us to be His instruments instead of just being good while we are not following the Lord.
