The Epiphany of the Lord

The manifestation of Jesus

Matthew 2:1-12

Even though in the first reading, when it says in Isaiah, "Arise, shine out Jerusalem, for your light has come" (Isaiah 60:1) to refer to Jesus who is light to all people, we can infer that Jerusalem is also that light because through her, the Savior of the world has come and all nations shall worship him as represented by three wise men.

That Jerusalem may also be each of us Christians as Jesus is manifested in our lives.   This is the essence of Epiphany.

Three things should help us witness the manifestation of Jesus:

First, the orientation to see Jesus.  Where are our lives going?  We definitely should want to see Jesus all our lives, from birth till the end of our lives.

Second, let us ask the grace to discern where Jesus is.  Like Mary "who pondered all these in her heart", let us verify if we are still traveling along the path of Jesus or not.  Pray to ask whether the things or people we encounter are leading us to Jesus or not.

Third, pray for courage to live Jesus.  There is no other manifestation except that that which we demonstrate in our lives as manifested in our words and actions.

Pray to see, love and serve Jesus 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year until we celebrate the next Christmas!
