The body of Christ
John 6:51-58The Holy Week, Easter season, Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, and Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - are all meant to saturate us with the very presence of Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit in our lives. How true are Jesus' words: "I shall be with you until the end of time."
Jesus is truly present in the Most Blessed Eucharist, a sacrament in today's times we somehow take for granted because of over familiarity. Do we in front of the King of Kings tinker with our cell phones and tablets, cover our ears with big earphones, and chat indiscriminately with our friends while the mass is going on, just to emptily receive the Blessed Host during communion time? Do we actually know the reality of the Divine Bread that we receive in the Eucharist?
Second, Pope Francis in his homily on Corpus Christi this year 2014, wants us to be discerning on what is "false bread" and "true bread." The false bread is the fruit of egoism, self-sufficiency and sin. The true bread is the fruit of entrusting ourselves to the care of Jesus who is our life and our salvation. Jesus is the true bread that gives everlasting life to those who receive Him.
Finally, our reception of the Holy Communion molds us to be the "body of Christ" to others, engaging in Jesus' redemptive love to lead others to an eternal communion with God. Every work that we do becomes an instrument of salvation. To offer our very own lives is a gift we give for the salvation of the world.
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