14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Be laborers of the harvest

Luke 10:1-12,17-20

Everything in  the first reading tells us about life - flowing river, a nourishing mother, flourishing like the grass.

This is how God sees the world and us.  Though we see sin, evil, and poverty, Jesus sees a great harvest, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few." He commands us to ask the Father to send laborers to the harvest. (Lk. 10, 1-10)

We are those laborers.  But do we allow ourselves to be God's laborers?

In order for us to be laborers, we need to know the following:

1. Do we know our roles here on earth?  If we are intent on just following our dreams of a better life, we are not laborers of the harvest.  Why are we on earth for?

2.  Have we responded to God's cal to send us?  Have we gone to communities, even the peripheries?  Do we even know that we are sent?  Again, if we are too busy with our affairs, we don't have the capacity to listen to the one who sends

3.  Have we cured the sick?  When was the last time we gave food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, home for the homeless.  When have we brought sight to the blind and made the lame walk?  Have we brought a dead man back to life by bring hope to him?

If we haven't started any of these things, no wonder we cannot attribute all good things as coming from God, nor do we recognize the flowing river, the nourishing mother, and the flourishing grass.

But we have experienced these things.  Can we just allow ourselves to be sent by Jesus and the real beauty in this world?
