Luke 20:27-38
"Resurrection" is the theme of today's readings. In the Book of Maccabees, the seven brothers would rather give glory to God rather than sacrifice their faith. They believed that they would receive everlasting life.
In the gospel, Jesus took the discussion of whose wife will the widow be to another level. "They shall not marry because they are like angels..."
Let us also take our lives to the next level. How often do we sacrifice spiritual life for money, power, comforts of this world, or even reputation? These do no not have any merits in heaven. But Jesus said, "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Mt. 6, 20)
What do we store in heaven?
First, focus on heavenly things. Remember your childhood when you were asked, "Who wants to go to heaven?" And we raised our hands. What happened after all these years? Focus on Jesus, the king of heaven and earth. Move out from there.
Second, our lives on earth is itself our journey to heaven. Imagine what heaven would be like. Live exactly like it on earth. All saints in heaven were disciples while they were on earth. Let's be disciples of Jesus.
Third, lead others to heaven. By the conduct of our lives, we already know whether we are going to heaven or not. But much more, everything that we do to our brothers and sisters account for our entrance to heaven. Lives of faithful service will get us to heaven.
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