4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, A


Matthew 5:1-12

What makes a transformed people?

In the Book of the prophet Zephaniah, transformation occurs when people become humble, obey the commandments of God, and live out his mercy.

Does it mean we are already transformed?  No.  But we are in the process of being transformed the moment we humble ourselves and learn from God.

Jesus went a step further in the process of transformation.  It's not only in following the commandments but in possessing the very heart of God.  The Beatitudes are the keys to God's heart as he plants them in ours.

Jesus may be poor; but his wealth is his Father.  We may learn by redefining our true wealth and proclaiming our poverty before the world.

Jesus' heart is gentle; God is patient for our transformation.

Jesus' heart is totally dependent on his Father.  Only God is his joy and consolation.

Jesus is merciful; his heart is pure; his heart is filled with love.  God is pure "hesed" or mercy; there is not a tinge of any evil intention for humankind.  His intention is to connect people with one another and with his Father.

Finally, Jesus shields those who are persecuted because of how they give witness to God's justice and mercy; they mirror God's salvation.

Are we already perfect and holy?  No. Not until our hearts are transformed into the very heart of Jesus, filled with mercy and compassion for others.
