2nd Sunday of Lent

Our real selves

Matthew 17:1-9

After Abram left country and family to follow God, God promised him to be the father of a great nation.  His name was changed to "Abraham" and he did become the father of many nations.

As Jesus was transfigured in today's gospel, we pray to be transfigured according to his likeness.  We just need to enter fully into this season of Lent.  We also need to do other things:

First, prioritize Jesus.  Do something different this year.  Don't put Lent in second place.  God doesn't want to be regarded as a second priority.  Jesus says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt. 6:33)

Second, seek Jesus everywhere.  We are desolated by sights of violence, blood, vengeance, crime, greed, and corruption.  Where is God in all these?  Where is Jesus in my work, family, and priorities in life?  Seeking for God's will is called discernment.  It is to believe that despite all evils and sin, God is there to help free us from them.

Third, be the very face of Jesus.  Be his eyes, lips, hands, and feet.  Feel as he feels; act as he acts.  Respond in faith and be merciful at all costs.

Then we shall witness our transfigured selves in Jesus.
