4th Sunday of Advent
Luke 1:26-38
As we approach the blessed moment of redemption which is very imminent, our readings contain the fulfillment of the promise made to David and until now is being fulfilled in our hearing.David was blessed by God because of his faithfulness, and God's kingdom shall be established in him.
In the gospel, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a son and name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High.
What are we looking for this Christmas? Let us not be lost in the petty concerns of Christmas; rather, let us focus on the One who is to come into our lives, reflecting on these three things:
First, "He shall be called Son of the Most High" - As we are familiar with Jesus as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, we remember that part of the restoration of God is that fathers would be reunited with their children. Jesus becomes the fulfillment of that reunion between God and man. We turn to him to be reunited to our Father for all eternity.
Second, "He will be a descendant of David and will rule over the house of Jacob" - We are also familiar with King David and how he ruled Israel in justice and mercy, and God's favor was upon him. We now remember that part of the real meaning of Christmas is to acknowledge that God established his kingdom, not only through David and his descendants, but through the living Church established by Jesus to be His living body here on earth. Let us renew what it means to be a living Church and we shall experience the real meaning of Christmas.
Third, "His kingdom will have no end" - This phrase gives us the glimpse of what is to come - the establishment of the reign of God in all eternity. We only need to reignite our faith in Jesus, be active in the Church, and be the Lord's disciples for all eternity.
Let the real Christmas be upon us, Jesus' eternal reign in our lives.
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