Light that destroys the world's darkness

The Epiphany of the Lord

Matthew 2:1-12

The story of the three wise men may come to us as a great post-Christmas story with the drama of deceit, revenge and treachery.  But underneath this drama is a revelation much greater than we can ever imagine.

What an irony; Christmas comes to us not in a grandeur fashion, but in an obscure way, with the sight of a humble child resting in the manger.  This feast should lead us to notice the grandeur in the obscure and the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Where does Epiphany lead us to?

First, the light.  That light is the brightest of all lights.  It leads us directly to God; his glory shining upon all of us.  Even at nighttime the light keeps shining.  Let us be aware of God's presence every moment of our lives, in our decisions and actions.

Second, the assembly of kings.  There are only two kinds of kings reacting to this fact: ones are like Herod, who was perturbed at the thought of this king.  For he rules with corruption.  He compromises with men but contradicts God.  The second ones fall to their knees to do God homage.   They should teach us a lesson that all power comes from God and that power should be practiced most humbly.

Third, the assembly of nations.  "Lift up your eyes and look round: all are assembling and coming towards you, your sons from far away and your daughters being tenderly carried."  This is the image of the Church that serves as light to the world, teaching all children the truths of faith.  Only the Church shall walk towards the Lord.  The true Church shall see the star that leads to Jesus.  Only the Church would be able to offer the gifts fit for a king.
