How to make our love perfect

5th Sunday of Lent

John 12:20-33

In the 4th Sunday of Lent, on its 33rd day, the readings point out to love - aligning our love with the love of God.

This love is the cause of the new Law that would be planted in our hearts.  We would detect it's love coming from God.  There's no need to educate us to that love.  It's Jesus' love.

We are to love as Jesus loves.  How did Jesus show his love?

He showed love through his passion, death, and resurrection.  He also invites us to enter into our deaths so we may rise again to new life in Jesus.

Second, discipleship is a natural consequence of this love.  There would be no need to explain.  The disciple in love would follow Jesus immediately.

Third, this love would lead to total emptying of self for the sake of others.  It is totally other-centered.

Never grow weary of knowing Jesus' love.  Feel it and live it.

As we celebrate St. Joseph's feast tomorrow, let's also remember how St. Joseph died to self to marry Mary as a sign of following God.  Second, he fulfilled his being disciple taking care of the Mary and Jesus, and he did it all for the sake of others.

Jesus commands us to perfect that love in our hearts.
