To see as God sees

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Mark 10: 46 - 52

Jeremiah prophesied that God would once again gather his people as was Moses' time.  This would be a joyous event, and the scattered children of God would come home with tears in their eyes; and the Lord would once more take care of them.

A "people called by God" is what we presently call "The Church".  The challenge is: are we teary-eyed when we gather together as a Church?  Perhaps, we know so little about being church; perhaps we were somehow "blinded" by what we were accustomed to define it; that's why the way we live Church is far from the Heaven that we envision.

The gospel is about healing the blind Bartimaeus.  The gospel is about Jesus healing the physically blind.  What we dare to ask is to heal our spiritual blindness brought about by skewed images of the Church and our faith.


We cannot proceed to the next level of seeing unless we admit that we need conversion.  Yes, we need conversion throughout our lives.  We need to change outlook of life that conforms with God's will, not ours.  Unless we seek conversion, we would not be able to see through the eyes of our faith.


"Lord, I want to see."  Let's go a step further and say, "Lord, I want to see you everyday."  I want to see you in my work or studies, in my family and community. I want to see you in the daily events of life.  We may go a step further and pray, "Lord, grant that I may see things as you see them."  Only then could we see God's presence in the world.


The final element of seeing through the eyes of faith is to commit oneself only to the truth.  We know that the truth shall set us free.  We shall not compromise truth with lies or self-effacement.  "It's God whom we shall follow rather than man," according to St. Peter and John when threatened by the Jews in speaking about Jesus.  When we are committed to what is true, we shall bring all others to the Lord, thus, making our experience of Church really genuine.
