LIfe itself is thanksgiving

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 17:11-19

The usual thing about thanksgiving is that it is expressed only after a good deed or favor has been given or done to us.  Such thanksgiving is conditional, "Only after ..."

What if we turn everything upside down?  What if we realize that even though we have not received at first instance, we knew we've already received, what would be our attitude?  Say, life.  Do we own it or it has been given to us?  Where did all the good things come from?  If we only knew, we would have thanked the Lord a long time ago.

The Lord is the giver; we are the receivers.  When did we last thank the Lord instead of forever asking him? 

This whole life is a gift.  Therefore, thank the Lord.  A thankful life will always be indebted to the One who gave and continues to give life.  When did we last give our lives as thanksgiving to God?

Finally, imagine when our lives are about to end; what comes out of our hearts - "Lord, give me more life?"  This is a prayer of desperation.  Instead, we say, "Lord, thank you for a well-spent life." That is true thanksgiving. 
