3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday of the Word of God)
Matthew 4:12-23
The first reading talks about the people "that walked in darkness has seen a great light". That light is a people lit by the light of Christ, his very person, his words and action, and his saving grace.In the gospel, after proclaiming the Kingdom, Jesus started choosing his apostles. Aparently, the apostles share Christ's light.
Could we now see? The light needs to expand. It expands to our generation. We generate Christ's light. We can't produce our own. What does it take to generate Christ's light?
First, we need to be aware of our encounter with Jesus. External Catholicism is not enough. Jesus checks on the quality of our hearts if they still listen to him and respond to his invitation.
Second, we need to check on our unity with fellow Catholics, Christians, and the rest of the world. the world is not a competition of religion. Rather, we become the body of Christ, though different in functions, are united in love.
Third, we need to do what we are meant to do. Jesus, proclaimed the Good News, cured the sick, and expelled demons. Actually, these may be the only things we should be doing in this world.
Pray to share Christ's light using our whole lives. There cannot be anything less.
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