5th Sunday of Lent
John 11:1-45
We recap our Lenten observance with many miracles that Jesus did which at the same time, gave insights on how our faith should develop and progress: Jesus by the well, the story of the blind man, and now, Jesus giving raising Lazarus from the dead.In each of these accounts we see how the faith of the woman and the blind man progressed. Now, we travel together with Martha so that we would realize the ultimate goal of every faith experience, not just miracles of healing or bringing people to life, but ultimately, that we may recognize the glory of God.
In this most trying times of the corona virus, the ultimate lesson is not just to ask that we may be spared from this virus. Rather, in this whole experience, we may see the glory of God as he eradicates this virus as well deepen our faith. This is the message of the covid-19 pandemic - it unravels our faith in Jesus and proclaims the glory of the Lord as God over all.
In journeying with Martha towards a deeper faith, let us observe the following:
First, let us acknowledge the spiritual side of the pandemic
Our faith is tested in this regard. Let's see through the eyes of faith where we have gone wrong. Let's start entrusting everything to God.Second, let us acknowledge God's healing presence now
Resurrection on the last is also very true; it symbolizes the hope of our lives. But resurrection can happen right now as Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and life. Do you believe this?" We just need to know deeply who Jesus is for us right now and learn from him and make him present in our lives.
Third, lets do the Father's will as Jesus did
Notice Jesus' prayer, "Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer. I knew indeed that you always hear me, but I speak for the sake of all these who stand round me, so that they may believe it was you who sent me." This prayer enunciates how Jesus does the Father's will; so too, may all of our actions reflect doing the Father's will.
We're still in for a big surprise of our lives as the Lord divides the Red Sea into two. The Lord will redeem us in this pandemic and will bring a profound change in the way we see things.
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