4th Sunday of Easter
John 10:1-10
St. Peter's maturity of faith is revealed in the second reading presented to us for this Sunday, also known as the Good Shepherd Sunday, which incidentally is also Vocations Sunday.Remember, Peter too betrayed the Lord for which he was truly repentant. In another episode of his conversion, Jesus asked him thrice: "Do you love me?" for which Peter responded everytime, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Let's check on these three signs that reflect the maturity of our faith:
1. Punishment as a way of purification - we constantly pray to make our lives easier midst trials. But here, St. Peter point to our punishment as a way of purification. He himself underwent the same predicament when he was punished by hanging on the cross upside down. Do we envision our faith as a bed of roses or a crown of thorns meant to purify our every intention?
2. We are to follow the way of Jesus - Jesus underwent the same violent experience, and he did deserve any of the things done to him. He did it all because of love. We too need to make the same commitment for the sake of the people God loves, most specially the poor.
3. We come back to God as the sheep come back to the Shepherd - now, we are purified because we know we can't survive till we follow the path of the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep.
Only then could we experience total bliss in this life till the next, in our total adherence to the Good Sheperd, Jesus Christ.
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