Good or evil? Take your pick

12th Sunday in Ordinary time (wt

Matthew 10:26-33 

There are only two sides of life, the good and the evil. Take your pick.

We know what to choose.  Why do we choose evil? We think it's good for us?  But nothing good arises from evil.  Evil will always beget evil.  And evil brings forth destruction, the first to be destroyed are those who chose evil.   Thus, don't envy the man who harbors evil in his heart.  His life is lost from the start.

Explore the good.  Who is good and what constitutes goodness?

1. Justice - He will restore what was broken.  He will correct what was done wrong.  He is God who is impose judgment upon everyone, and repays each one according to his deeds. 

2. Restoration.  Restoration is possible only in Jesus Christ.  For violence, he restored it with love, compassion, and forgiveness.  He taught us how to be kind to others and be the stewards God wants us to be.  He showed the way to the Father.  He will restore unity to creation.  Let's accept his offer of salvation..

3.  Good.  The good will triumph only with power of good that comes with the Holy Spirit.  He is our advocate.  When we feel like doing something negative, pray.  When we feel too lazy to rise up from our weaknesses, pray.  When we are lacking in love, as for the Holy Spirit.  He will help us be triumphant over our sins and weaknesses. Jesus is that deliverer in the First Reading, who will deliver the needy from bloodthirsty men. He will fill the world with grace.  Choose goodness, Choose Jesus. 

There is no doubt good will triumph over evil.  Be sure you've made the right choice.
