Why unity is so important

Wednesday of the 4th week of Lent

John 5:17-30

It has always been established that religion will always clarify God's inseparable link with his people.  In the gospel, Jesus clarifies his inseparable link with the Father and also with us. Just as the Father gives life, so too the Don will give life to whoever he chooses.

Let's talk about link.  Another word is unity.

Unity has been the secret most important ingredient of a successful company, family, community, even of a country. 

In order to attain unity in a company or even in a family, we need to establish that unbreakable link with the superior, parent, or anyone above us. 

At the same time, we expect that those above us will listen to us.  this symbiosis, interconnectedness is the lifeblood of the group.  Through the link, another entity is born, alive, aggressive, and concrete.

The readings reflect this unbreakable unity:

1. The Father and us - "Even if a mother forgets, I will never forget you."  This is the very reason why God continues to recontract with his people.  He doesn't want us to be punished.  He will do everything to save us.  The only problem is us.  Are we responding adequately to God?

2. The Father and Jesus - For the Jews, this is quite hard to accept.  But Jesus has been explaining all along of his relationship with the Father.  The Son cannot do it by himself.  He does only those what the Father is doing.  In the end, Jesus confesses, "I and the Father are one."

3. Jesus and us - Jesus gives a warning, "Whoever refuses honour to the Son, refuses honour to the Father who sent him."  Jesus is the ultimate judge of all our actions. 

Let us firmly establish this unity with God and with one another.  Let's understand one another, communicate well, and do things together.  Together as one Church, we shall be creating a new world where we are one with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
