The first thing we see

 24th Sunday , B

If we are to push the story forward, the first one that we would see is Jesus.  The first one that we would hear is Jesus.  The first one we would praise with our lips is Jesus.

But who is Jesus?

the first reading teaches us, he didn't lift a finger to correct the violence done to him. His patience and love surpassed that of hatred, vengeance, and sin surrounding him.  His Father is more important than him.  We are more important than him that he needs to do the work himself.  We just can't do it. 

the second reading is about faith with works.  Our knowledge of Jesus affects our lives.  We may reflect right now - which of our actions and decisions are influenced by Christ.

Gospel: Jesus: we heard about him as the Christ, but as the suffering Christ who will die but on the third.  How are we willing to accept our crosses for Christ?

Third, us. Are we also willing to carry his cross and follow him. 
