
The heart of family life

A Christmas well-observed

A word of Hope

A new way of looking at things

Yearning for something new

Is it easy to live as a Christian in today's world?

Think of the future today

Be merciful

True prayer

Be patient!


Be Servants of the Lord

Recover what we've lost

Lesson on humility

Enter through the narrow door

Set your faith on fire!

The Assumption: Mothers show the way

We are the stewards of the Lord

Blessings are meant to be shared

The day I stopped praying

Doing God's work

How to be a neighbor

What matters most


Ascension Sunday - Renewing Hope for the world

I apologize for delay in sending my reflections

Believe, do not doubt

To carry others' burdens


Why do bad things happen to good people?

Heaven on earth

Sorry, I'm only human?

Are you a Christian?

True poverty

The curse of pessimism

The dignity of marriage