
Mary, Mother of God

Christmas day

Christmas midnight

24 December

23 December, Day 8

4th Sunday of Advent, A

21 December, Day 6

20 December, Day 5

19 December. Day 4

18 December, Day 3

Simbang gabi, day 2

Simbang Gabi, day 1 in the Philippines

Simbang gabi, day 1

3rd Sunday of Advent, A

2nd Sunday of Advent, A

1st Sunday of Advent, A

Christ the King, cycle C

All Souls Day

31st Sunday, C

30th Sunday, C

28th Sunday of the year, C

27th Sunday, C

25th Sunday in Ordinary time, C

26th Sunday, year C

23rd Sunday of the year, C

22nd Sunday of the year, C

21st Sunday of the year, C

20th Sunday of the year, C

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

18th Sunday of the year, C

19th Sunday of the year, C

17th Sunday of the year, C

16th Sunday of the year, C

14th Sunday of the year, C

The Birth of John the Baptist

12th Sunday of the year, cycle C

10th Sunday of the year, C

National Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity


Social networks: portals of truth and faith, new spaces for evangelization

5th Sunday of Easter, C

3rd Sunday of Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter, C